Compare Prepayment Meter Gas & Electric Tariffs

Last Modified: 01/03/2025

More than 4.5m homes in the UK have prepayment meters with the main benefit they bring being that it helps control and budget more effectively. This is particularly handy, as was the intention, for those on lower incomes, or who simply want, the flexibility and control over their outgoings.

However, this doesn't mean they are a good thing. They can often be inconvenient and expensive, but can also help to prevent you getting into debt with your energy supplier. Our guide to prepayment meters should help you to decide if they are right for you.


Supplier Tariff Name Estimated Annual Bill


What is the average electricity prepayment meter unit rates and standing charges in my region?

The average standing charge for electricity across the UK is 53.80p per day. The average unit rate is 26.20p per kWh.

Use the table below to compare your daily standing charge for electricity, to the average cost per region:

Region Average Electricity Standing Charge (p/day) Average Electricity Price (p/kWh)
London 46.20p 26.48p
South East 48.03p 27.68p
Eastern 48.65p 27.33p
Southern 45.13p 27.24p
Southern Western 54.27p 27.58p
N Wales and Mersey 69.54p 28.50p
South Wales 51.79p 27.61p
Midlands 53.14p 26.46p
East Midlands 49.38p 26.37p
Yorkshire 58.64p 26.19p
North West 51.31p 27.93p
Northern 59.83p 26.24p
Southern Scotland 56.50p 25.82p
Northern Scotland 60.87p 26.99p

Standing Charges and Unit Rates based on Ofgem's Price Cap from 1st April to 30th June 2025


What is the average gas prepayment meter unit rates and standing charges in my region?

The average standing charge for gas across the UK is 32.67p per day. The average unit rate is 6.78p per kWh.

Use the table below to compare your daily standing charge for electricity, to the average cost per region:

Region Average Electricity Standing Charge (p/day) Average Gas Price (p/kWh)
London 32.96p 6.89p
South East 32.43p 6.71p
Eastern 32.47p 6.75p
Southern 32.36p 6.91p
Southern Western 32.45p 7.07p
N Wales and Mersey 32.89p 6.74p
South Wales 32.81p 6.90p
Midlands 32.68p 6.68p
East Midlands 32.52p 6.64p
Yorkshire 32.72p 6.74p
North West 32.75p 6.71p
Northern 32.74p 6.73p
Southern Scotland 32.78p 6.72p
Northern Scotland 32.76p 6.72p

Standing Charges and Unit Rates based on Ofgem's Price Cap from 1st April to 30th June 2025

What is a prepayment meter?

Prepayment meters work in the same way as a "Pay-As-You-Go" mobile phone bill - you need to put credit on to the meter before you can use the gas and electricity supplied to your home. Once the credit is used up, your energy supply will stop until it is topped up again. Obviously if you are not able to get out to top up your meter due to illness or bad weather, this can cause you issues but we advise you seek support from friends, family or your energy supplier themselves.

Most meters can be topped up using a card, key or token at a Post Office or PayPoint outlet (you will probably have a local corner shop that is a PayPoint or PayZone outlet). Your energy company will provide you with this device, but it is your responsibility to keep it safe. Once your device has been topped up, it needs to be inserted into your meter for the credit to register.

What types of prepayment meter are there?

There are three main types of electricity prepayment meter, which are smartcard meters (where you top up a card online), key meters and token meters (both of which must be topped up in a store). Most gas meters are now Quantum meters, which use a card to register credit (the card must be topped up in a store).

Not all meters are supported by all suppliers (for example Scottish Power support key meters for electricity and British Gas support Smartcards), and it is difficult to find out definitively who supports what. One of the drawbacks to being a prepayment customer is the uncertainty that this causes.

Will my prepayment meter cost me more money?

Having a prepayment meter almost always means you will be paying more than you need to for your energy bills. Not only is the unit price for your energy more expensive with a prepayment meter, but the cheapest energy tariffs offered by suppliers are usually not made available to prepayment customers.

In addition to this, if you have an older style of meter then it may need to be updated with price changes manually. As energy suppliers will need to go round many different houses to do this, it could sometimes be months until your meter is updated- leaving you paying over the odds for your energy, or finding out that you actually owe money.

This basic principle of a prepayment meter goes against the very premise of their existence to help low-income households control their energy costs by then charging them some of the highest energy unit rates in the market. The reason for this cost, is that these meters (unless smart prepayments) require energy suppliers to manually recalibrate them when unit prices change. This therefore meaning they have to send people to update the meters. It is this increased maintenance cost that energy suppliers say is the reason for increased unit prices per kwh.

What if I don't want a prepayment meter?

If you have decided that a prepayment meter is not right for you then you can switch to a credit meter. The best thing to do is to ask your current supplier to change this for you (although in some cases you may be charged for this). If you have had a prepayment meter installed due to falling behind on your bills then they may refuse to do this for you. Once you have had your meter changed then you can take advantage of the full range of tariffs in the market by using our energy price comparison tool to look for the best energy deals on gas and electricity prices.

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